
20 Bed Bug FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Alene Schill

Bed bugs are tiny parasitic insects that usually live in places where people rest or sleep.

If you need help with bed bug control, we answered bed bug FAQ loaded with bed bug prevention methods, signs, symptoms, and management options, so read on. 

20 Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs

20 Frequently Asked Questions About Bed Bugs

1. How do you spot a bed bug?

To spot a bed bug, look for rusty, reddish-brown stains or blood spots on mattresses or bed sheets, bed bug excrement, apple seed-like insect, dead bed bugs, or eggs about 1mm. Detecting bed bugs can be challenging but look for other visible signs of bed bugs infestation to spot the pests. But how do you find bed bugs in the daytime?

2. Do bed bugs spread disease?

No, bed bugs do not spread disease. According to EPA, when bed bugs bite, they do not transmit illness or diseases [1]. However, it can leave red splotchy marks that cause skin allergies.

3. What does a bed bug bite look like?

Bed bug bites are slightly swollen with red spots that can be itchy and irritating. The bite marks mostly appear in a straight line and are commonly found on exposed skin. It is commonly mistaken as a flea or mosquito bite because you can hardly see the difference. Learn how to prevent bed bug bites while sleeping here

4. Can bed bugs stay on your clothes all day?

No, bed bugs will not stay on your clothes all day. Bed bugs crawl to transfer from one place to another, so they will not stay on your clothes all day. In addition, bed bugs have a survival instinct, so they will not stay long on your clothes. But can bed bugs bite through your clothes?

5. Can you get rid of bed bugs on your own?

Yes, you can get rid of your bed bugs on your own. However, finding bed bugs and dealing with a bed bug infestation may take a lot of effort and time. Most DIY products can help avoid bed bugs, but some bugs develop resistance to chemicals, so a professional pest control company is a big help. 

6. Where do bed bugs live?

Where do bed bugs live?

Bed bugs live within 8ft of where people sleep and rest. Bed bugs hide on the seams of mattresses, headboards, inside cracks and crevices, behind wallpaper, box springs, box spring encasements, overnight bags, bed frames, and electrical outlets. Also, people found bed bugs on tiny cracks because they have slim flat bodies. 

7. How fast do bed bugs spread?

Bed bugs can spread from room to room in as fast as one month. After one month, an adult’s newly hatched bed bugs are old enough to start laying eggs. There will be bed bug infestation in two months, and your home will support the entire lifecycle of bed bugs. 

8. Can bed bugs feed off animals?

Yes, bed bugs can feed off animals. Like other blood-feeding pests, bed bugs feed on warm-blooded animals and don’t exclusively feed on humans. They can get their blood meal from cats, dogs, and other animals. What do bed bugs eat other than blood?

9. How do you kill bed bug eggs?

How do you kill bed bug eggs?

To kill bed bug eggs, use an excessive temperature of not less than 122 °F. Most steam cleaning systems can produce dry steam vapor with a temperature that can reach higher than 250 °F, and that can be effective for pest management and disease control.

10. How long do bed bugs live?

Bed bugs can live for 18 months under favorable conditions and can survive for several months even without food. However, the adult bed bug can live for two to four months under normal circumstances, especially if under unfavorable conditions. 

Read: Why Ohio Has Many Bed Bugs

11. Can you get sick from bed bugs?

Yes, you can get sick from bed bugs. While it is proven that they cannot transmit disease, bed bug bites affect each person differently. Several bites may need medical attention because bite responses can result in a serious allergic reaction.  

12. Is a bed bug bite harmful?

Is a bed bug bite harmful?

No, a bed bug bite is not harmful because it does not pose a serious medical threat. A Bed bug bite affects people in different ways; some develop bite marks while others don’t. 

13. Do bed bugs stay on your skin after a shower?

No, bed bugs don’t stay on your skin after a shower. Bed bugs have legs, but they cannot stick on your skin while in the shower. They cannot withstand the pressure of power, so showering can help in eradicating bed bugs on your body. 

14. How do you know if you have been bitten by bed bugs?

To know if bed bugs have bitten you, check your skin. Bite marks appear from one to several days after the bite, and they can be slightly swollen or leave red spots in a straight line. In addition, a bed bug’s small bite mark can be itchy. 

Read: Are Bed Bugs Also Arachnids?

15. Can you get bed bugs from someone riding in my car?

Can you get bed bugs from someone riding in my car?

Yes, you can get bugs from someone riding in your car. Bed bugs travel from one place to another, and chances are your passenger has it before riding your car. Bed bugs can hitchhike on clothing and other belongings and live in your car. 

16. Is a bed bug bite contagious?

No, bed bug bite is not contagious. Bed bug bites cannot be transmitted from one person to another. However, pest control is important to prevent bed bugs from reproducing, even if it is not harmful. 

17. How do you get bed bugs out of hiding?

You can get bed bugs from hiding by using heat treatment and chemicals. Pest control companies use different chemicals, so stow away bed bugs will suffocate. Also, pest control chemicals and other treatments help eliminate bed bugs and prevent bed bug infestations. 

18. Will steam kill bed bugs?

Will steam kill bed bugs?

Yes, steam can kill bed bugs, and it is widely used in North and South America. Professional pest control companies use steam for long periods of heat treatment, and it can help in eliminating bed bugs. 

When exposed at 122 °F and above, adult bed bugs can die, so pest control professional uses steam with more than 250 °F temperature as bed bug treatment. 

19. How fast do bed bugs reproduce?

Mommy bed bugs can lay an egg a day, and at their peak, they can lay as many as 5-7 eggs per day. It will only take 10-15 days for the eggs to hatch, so it is important to use integrated pest management for complete elimination. 

20. Will alcohol kill bed bugs?

Alcohol can kill bed bugs, and it is one of the home remedies people use for the bed bug problem. You can spray alcohol on bed bugs found on infested furniture or sleeping quarters. However, it cannot be an effective solution for preventing bed bugs and controlling bed bug populations. 

Key Takeaways 

Now that we know bed bug facts and biology and how are bed bugs treated, it would be easier for everyone to fight these nasty bloodsuckers. Engage with the right treatment plan and best pest control professional to have a bed bug-free life. 



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